What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind. Everyone has already experienced hypnosis, by accident or by design. As long as there has been human beings, there has been hypnosis.

We use this commonly occurring, and natural state of mind, unknowingly all the time. It is just natural for us.

For example, if you have ever watched a television program or movie, and become really absorbed then you were probably in a trance. This trance is what caused you to not hear your mother calling you to dinner, until she raised her voice for the third time.

(Advertisers understand this. They use television programs to induce a hypnotic trance and then provide you hypnotic suggestions, called commercials)

Another Common Example Of This Naturally Occurring State Of Mind:

When you are driving down the road, with your mind focused on some other task (a daydream perhaps), and next thing you know, you have passed your next turn. That is called "highway hypnosis".

ACCORDING TO THE U.S. government THEY define hypnosis in two parts:

The bypass of the critical factor of the mind (that part that compares new information with old information already stored in the subconscious mind) and acceptance of acceptable selective thinking. Hypnosis allows us to bypass this comparing mechanism so that information can go right into the subconscious mind and affect our limiting beliefs and our habits so we can make powerful change right away.

This seems to be a useful and accurate definition of hypnosis.

This "bypass of the critical factor" simply means the release of limiting beliefs. For example, the use of hypnosis for anesthesia has been accepted by the American Medical Association since 1958. It is well established to be a fact that hypnosis is useful for creating anesthesia. However, if you have the limiting belief that the mind cannot create a powerful anesthesia, you will be unable to do so. However, in hypnosis, this limiting belief can be bypassed, and hypnotic anesthesia can be quickly created. "The acceptance of acceptable selective thinking," the second part of the definition, refers to the process of guiding someone into hypnosis by using a hypnotic induction. The establishment of selective thinking creates the mental environment or state of mind that enables you to reject limiting beliefs (that you picked up by living in our society), so that you can accept new more empowering ones.

The hypnotic state is an optimum state for making changes in your life.

You can set aside limiting beliefs that may have been preventing you from moving toward a more healthy, and happy you.

So Now You Know You Can Be Hypnotised:

You have done it literally thousands of times. You did it yourself when you were daydreaming and missed that turn (self-hypnosis), you have been hypnotized when you enjoyed a television program (being hypnotized by someone else), and you have followed hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions when you preferred some brand name that you saw repeatedly on television (hypnotic compounding of suggestion).

Now let's use hypnosis to make your life better.

How Does 5-PATH Work?

5-PATH stands forFive-Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis’It is a systematic method of hypnosis developed by Cal Banyan and practiced by thousands of hypnotists around the world. 5-PATH is a universal approach that helps most people work through any given issue over approximately 4 to 7 sessions (smoking cessation is usually no more than 2 sessions).

Some hypnotists have undergone advanced hypnosis training and certification in 5-PATH® Hypnosis. These hypnosis professionals are among some of the most advanced hypnotists with whom you can work. Training and certification in 5-PATH® Hypnosis allows the hypnotist to go far beyond what most hypnotists can do in a hypnosis session. Here is a quick outline of how these highly trained hypnosis professionals differentiate themselves from all of the rest:

· You will receive a comprehensive "pre-talk" in which you will learn about hypnosis.

· You will interact with the hypnotist during the "pre-hypnosis interview" during which the hypnotist will find out what your goals are, and how best to help you to reach those goals using hypnosis and self-hypnosis.

· Your hypnotist will use a modern hypnotic induction (no swinging watches or blinking eyeglasses are used). These modern inductions are fast and efficient allowing them to spend more time with you working on helping you to attain your goals.

· Your hypnotist will ensure that you are going into just the right level of hypnosis for the kind of work you will be doing together. This will be done with covert and overt testing. The covert testing is done by the hypnotist so that he or she will know that you are hypnotized, you probably will not notice this testing being done. Once that has been accomplished, he or she will do overt testing to provide you with some objective evidence that you were hypnotized.

· Your hypnotist will customize each session for you. 5-PATH® hypnotists know how to match the right inductions, deepening techniques, suggestions and other techniques to each client for maximum results.

· Your hypnotist uses the 5-PATH® Hypnotherapy System. Your work with him or her will not be one of those one-shot deals. You will work together as a team as you go through the process, neutralizing any old limiting beliefs, emotions or habits that have caused you to not be as successful as you would like to be regarding the issues that you want to work on.

· Your hypnotist will go beyond merely suggesting changes and the visualization techniques offered by so many which only bring about limited results. Your 5-PATH® Hypnotist has been trained to find the actual cause of the problem and eliminate it, and then give you suggestions for success. This enables our clients to be very successful and experience long term and even permanent results.

· Your 5-PATH® Hypnotist is even able to deal with issues that could be causing problems that you may not have thought of such as internal conflicts. For example, most people who want to make positive changes in their lives also are a bit conflicted by making the changes. Like the smoker who wants to stop but is fearful that he or she will miss the cigarette habit, or gain weight. Another example is the person who has been abusing alcohol or drugs who fears that if he or she abstains they will be lonely or anxious without the alcohol or drug.

· Your 5-PATH® Hypnotist will take you through each phase of the process, customizing each phase for your needs, making sure that your hypnosis experience is completely professional, confidential and effective.

We hope that this additional information about 5-PATH® Hypnotherapy has been useful for you. When you work with a 5-PATH® Certified hypnotist you are working with one of the best trained hypnosis professionals in the world.

Rapid Relief By Getting To The Root Of The Problem.

The Problem Is Like A Weed In Your Yard!

Pretend for a moment, that your mind is like your lawn out in front of your home. Even some of the best cared for yards, if you look close enough, are going to have a couple of weeds! Weeds are interesting because they are so persistent. You see, most of the yard is made up of good green grass, shrubs, and flowers (the good things about yourself).

The grass has good roots, but the weed's roots go much deeper. That is why if you try to remove a weed by cutting it off or pulling it up, and you don't get all of its root, it is most likely to just come back. And sometimes there are more weeds (symptoms or problems) than when you started.

Taking this example a little further, you could look at the picture of the weed and divide it up into three distinct areas: first there is the area where the roots are … the soil, that is equivalent to the subconscious mind; the second area, where the grass is, is equivalent to the conscious mind…the part that is easy to see. And, finally, there is the part that sticks up into the air for yourself and everyone else to see, the weed, the part of ourselves that we don't like.

The part we don't like might be a bad habit like biting your fingernails, or something more serious like smoking, a phobia, or even some diseases like ulcers.

Some treatments just deal with the behavior or the outward symptom, and that would be like mowing off the weed. It is likely that it will return. In the short term you might feel better. Like going on a diet, losing the weight, and then the weight returns because the real cause of the excess weight was never eliminated! Then you feel frustrated, and may even gain more weight (more weeds!).

Hypnosis done properly will remove the problem at the root, by helping the client to see or experience the situation, thought, or idea that started the problem differently. If the root is removed, then the problem ceases to exist!

The Problem Developed Like an Upside Down Stack of Bricks!

How the problem evolved into what it is today is kind of like that upside down stack of bricks. The single brick on the bottom is like the first situation in your life (usually forgotten) that started the whole thing.

It is some situation, thought or idea that occurred in your past. It was like a "seed" in the above example of the weed. All by itself it does not amount to much but given the "right" circumstances, enough reinforcement in subsequent days, months and years (the next three layers of bricks), and it can develop into some real troublesome symptoms (the top layer of bricks). Each brick on the top layer could represent a different symptom, compulsive eating, headaches, low self-esteem, drug abuse, etc. (like the part of the weed that sticks up in the air).

Hypnosis, done correctly, removes the bottom brick (the power of the initial event) that holds up all of the rest of the stack of bricks. If the bottom brick is removed the whole thing crumbles, symptoms, problems and all! (Brick example is from Stephen Parkhill's, Answer Cancer.)


  • Stop smoking

  • Stop procrastinating

  • Fears and phobias

  • Lose weight naturally

  • Relieve stress

  • Speak in public

  • Fly without fear

  • Sleep easier and faster

  • Quit drugs and alcohol

  • Child and youth hypnosis for issues such as improvement in school, sports improvement, study

  • skills, exam anxiety and more (children are usually easier to hypnotize).

  • Boost sports performance

  • Manage IBS naturally

  • Other issues

Working With Physicians…

All hypnosis involving medical conditions, such as managing pain, are always done under the supervision of a physician, or by referral.

  • Your session is completely confidential (confidentiality is required by law).

  • Your hypnotist will answer all of your questions about hypnosis so you will -be informed and at ease for the hypnosis part of the session.

  • Your hypnotist is able to customize your hypnosis sessions for your particular needs and consideration.

Find Out If 5-PATH HYPNOSIS® Is Right For You!



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