Not sure if Hypnotherapy or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are right for you?

Phone: 613-407-0820


Length of sessions & session fees:

5-PATH (advanced hypnosis) sessions:

Sessions are between 90 and 120 minutes. First session is typically closer to 120 mins.

Pricing is per session and not by the hour.

Each session is $200 (taxes included) for ADULTS & $125 for KIDS 14 and younger (taxes included). Please note that children’s sessions are typically 60 to 90 mins depending upon the child’s age.

Electronic receipts are provided. Methods of payment are: automatic debit, credit card, e-transfer & cash.

Please be aware that most extended health care plans do not recognize hypnotherapy and so clients are asked to view these costs as an investment in themselves.

Smoking Cessation:

2-Session Smoking Cessation is $200.

Session are between 90 to 120 mins.

Smoking cessation is the only problem that does not always require the full 5-PATH system. We start with a 2-session approach. It is important to complete the 2nd session even if one finds they have succeeded in abstaining from cigarettes. If after the 2nd session the client still has not managed to quit this indicates that there is an emotional tie keeping them attached to the habit which requires the full 5-PATH approach. 2 to 3 more sessions would effectively remove the emotional anchor to smoking.

Two thirds of smokers quit after the second session. One third require more work focusing on neutralizing the deeper emotions that are driving them to smoke. 5-PATH is perfectly designed to do this.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT tapping) sessions:

Sessions are 60 mins in duration with the exception of the first session which is about 90 mins.

Each session is $90 for ADULTS and $50 for KIDS 14 and younger. Kids sessions are 45 mins to 1 hour in duration.


Aylmer Office - Have your sessions online or at my cozy, private home office in Aylmer, Quebec J9J 0L9 (FREE PARKING)

Phone - 613-407-0820


Monday : By appointment

Tuesday: By appointment

Wednesday: By appointment

Thursday: By appointment

Friday: By appointment

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed